Players can be selected by clicking on row or clicking on a point in the chart.
- Age: Age as at 31 December
- Player Rating: Official AFL Player Ratings (Overview)
- CV Avg: Average Coaches Votes per match
- TOG: Time on ground percentage
- Kick: Kicks
- HB: Handballs
- Dis.: Disposals
- Eff %: Disposal Efficiency (minimum 20 disposals)
- Kick Eff %: Kick Efficiency (minimum 20 kicks)
- HB Eff %: Handball Efficiency (minimum 20 handballs)
- Kick %: Kicks / Disposals (minimum 20 disposals)
- In 50s: Inside 50s
- Reb 50s: Rebound 50s
- Mtrs Gnd: Metres gained
- Mtrs / D: Metres gained / Disposal (minimum 20 disposals)
- Clng: Clangers
- D/Cg: Disposals per clanger
- TO: Turnovers
- D/TO: Disposals per turnover
- CP: Contested possessions
- UP: Uncontested possessions
- Poss: Total possessions
- CP%: Contested possessions / total possessions (minimum 20 total possessions)
- Int Poss: Intercept possessions
- GB Gets: Ground ball gets
- F50 GBG: Ground ball gets in the forward 50
- Hard Gets: Hard ball gets. A disputed ball at ground level under direct physical pressure or out of a ruck contest, resulting in an opportunity to effect a legal disposal.
- Loose Gets: Loose ball gets. A disputed ball at ground level not under direct physical pressure that results in an opportunity to record a legal disposal.
- Post Cl CP: Post-clearance contested possessions
- Post Cl GBG: Post-clearance ground ball gets
- Gath HO: Gathers from hitout. A possession gained from a teammate’s hitout-to-advantage
- Crumb: Crumbing possessions. Ground ball gets that are won by a player at ground level after a marking contest.
- HB Rec: Handball receives
- CBA: Centre bounce attendances
- CBA %: Centre bounce attendances / total centre bounces
- Ctr Clr: Centre clearances
- CC / CBA: Centre clearances / centre bounce attendances (minimum 20 centre bounce attendances)
- Stp Clr: Stoppage clearances
- Tot: Total clearances
- Tot: Total marks
- CM: Contested marks
- In 50: Marks inside forward 50
- Int Mks: Intercept marks
- On lead: Marks on lead
- Goals: Total goals
- Gls Avg: Average goals per match
- Beh: Behinds
- Shots: Shots at goal
- Goal Ass.: Goal assists
- Acc: Accuracy (Goals / shots at goal) (minimum 10 shots at goal)
- SI: Score involvements
- SI %: Score involvements / Total team scores
- Launch: Score launches
- Off 1v1: Offensive one-on-one contests
- Win %: Percentage of offensive one-on-one contests won (minimum 10 contests)
Expected Scores (xScores)
- Shots: Total shots at goal.
- xSc: Average expected score per shot at goal, reflecting the average difficulty of shots taken.
- Rating: Average score above or below expected score per shot at goal.
- Shots (set): Total shots at goal from set shots.
- xSc (Set): Average expected score per shot at goal for set shots, reflecting the average difficulty of shots taken.
- Rating (Set): Average score above or below expected score per shot at goal for set shots.
- Shots (Gen): Total shots at goal from general play.
- xSc (Gen): Average expected score per shot at goal for shots in general play, reflecting the average difficulty of shots taken.
- Rating (Gen): Average score above or below expected score per shot at goal for shots in general play.
- Def 1v1: Defensive one-on-one contests
- Loss %: Percentage of defensive one-on-one contests lost (minimum 10 contests)
- Tack: Total tackles
- Tack In 50: Tackles inside forward 50
- Press. Acts: Pressure acts
- Def. PA: Pressure acts in the defensive half
Ruck contests
- Ruck Cont: Ruck contests
- RC %: Ruck contests / total team ruck contests
- Hit Outs: Total hit outs
- Win %: Hit outs / ruck contests (minimum 20 ruck contests)
- To Adv: Hit outs to advantage
- Adv %: Hit outs to advantage / total hit outs (minimum 20 hit outs)
- Ruck HBG: Ruck hard ball gets. Taking possession of the ball directly out of the ruck.
- Kick In %: Kick-ins / Total kick-ins
- KI Play On %: Play on percentage from kick-ins (minimum 10 kick-ins)
- Bounce: Bounces
- 1%s: One percenters